Friday, September 7, 2007

Watermelon in the mail

Did you see my sad, sad post about my Juicy Melon socks?

Look what Shelly of Heathen Housewife fame sent me. Another slice of Juicy Melon, in neon... Momma's gonna have a pair of Neon Juicy Melon socks!!
Thanks Shelly, that was super fast!

Look what she included! From Orinda5.. seems that I have a bit of a collection started...

I still have to get my bloggy act together and figure out how to make active links...


Pam the Yarn Goddess said...

I just figured out who you were! You had left a comment on my blog a while ago and I answered on it because I couldn't find an e-mail addy to thank you. And here I've been reading you all along. Duh!! Thank you for reading my blog - it means so much to me to know that people actually read and enjoy it. And I love your blog - it's on my favorites list. :)

VERY cool yarn - I love those colors together! Does she go by another name, because her name seems awfully familiar. My memory is shot, so I apologize in advance for asking what may well be a stupid question.

Have a terrific weekend!

Orinda5 said...

Hmmm... those stitch markers look familiar. ;)

I thought I saw some juicy melon-like yarn drying across the street a while back.

Janice said...

Lucky you! That yarn is so yummy. I LOVE the colors! I needs to get me some of those stitch markers.... Maybe that will be my online therapy for today!