Monday, September 17, 2007

Regia Jubilee socks with blue toes!

Cute?? I got the yarn from eB@y a few months ago. I LOVE!!!! the yarn. but stalled a bit when I realized that I just might run out of yarn for these cuties. But over to my LYS and with a little browsing and I came up with the solid blue for the toes. I just may end up doing this *on purpose* next time I knit from my Regia Jubilee stash... are you kidding me? I got 6 balls, 2 of each color... I just didn't want to break into my second ball of the same color. I love the colors too much. So next time I make these socks it will be blue toes *and* blue heels. Me like!

Next mission? To find some cute shoes to show off my handknit socks. That's the plan for the weekend.

Update on DD4. She was a brave girl today. She got her stitches removed. I'm so proud of my little curly girl. :)

Tomorrow, update on my Everlasting Bagstopper, that I was knitting today at the hair salon...


Pam the Yarn Goddess said...

Gorgeous socks!! You did a great job! I love the contrasting toes - they just make the entire thing.

Check out my destash. I'll be putting them up in a few days on the blog. I think there will be Regia and definitely a lot of Opal (whole collections even), Schaefer's Anne, and Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, to name a few. I promised Hubster that I'd do it.

How you been?

Orinda5 said...

I love the toes! This is exactly what I need to do on my road trip socks.
Seeing yours gives me new hope that they will still be cute in the end.

Janice said...

I love the socks!! I have some duet yarn that has a separate color for toes and heels.. what a fun look!! I just went shopping for shoes to show off my socks (we're kind of scarey in how much we think alike!!) I ended up with a pair of Earth Magnitude sandals. Love em!