Thursday, October 2, 2008

ReEntry...and Many Random Thoughts, and No Grammar...

Details to follow...all I can say is Alpaca, Silk and Merino are simply divine to knit with... mmmmmm.

Re-entry from our summer in paradise was not quite so easy. I really thought that by now I would have all my sheep in a row.... afterall, we have been home for one month now.

I was so eager to come home, to get my usual Back-to-School routines done, such as shopping for school uniforms, going through last years school papers and saving the important ones, nope they are still on the laundry room counter top....sigh...That is what we get for leaving for the summer the day school ends! I mean literally, we picked up the kids, put the papers on the counter and dashed to lunch and then JFK Airport. Donating all clothing that the kids no longer wear, fit in or like - 'cause lets face it, it is a waste to have perfectly good clothing sitting in drawers, with tags still attached that are not being worn. I like to donate them to Sr. Thomasina Second Chances Shop. So the house is not quite in the order it should be in at this time of year, oh well. I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be there.

E-Brake is home with sinusitis, I am recovering from a little cold myself... I'm wondering when I will be back to my old normal, or is this my new normal...Yikes!! I'd better belly up to the Vitamin Bar!!

Since I have been sitting in my knitting chair more lately, I have been able to finish knitting my Vanilla Creme Wrap Shrug-Thingy... Insiration taken from Schaefer Yarn Nancy Shrugigan and all that is left to do is sew on the yummy Mother of Pearl buttons that I got at my Favorite LYS Jill Deal. It feels wonderful to have picked out a project, bought the yarn, and then knit it up in just a little over a week and be able to wear it for an event!! The wedding is this Saturday!! A weekend away in D.C. with just my husband is just a few days away... the last time we spent a few days away from the kids was two years ago. I met him in London for a weekend, while he was there for a work related event. I really don't leave the kids too much, and I really do need some time to be Michelle... not "Mooooooommmmyyyyyyy!"

So with my recent speedy success I have been inspired to begin another wrap, that I hope to be able to wear to Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival in a little over two weeks. It's a shawl my fellow Purl Gurl Joanne knit over the summer. Anne Lacy Shawl from Schaefer Yarns I'm working my way up to "real lace" it's those darn YOs that get me everytime. I'm picturing a pair of jeans, a crsip white shirt, and my lacy shawl... or should I avoid the white so that I do not repeat The Stain of 2007? No worries with my recent hmmmmm problem, I will be packing a nice healthy edible lunch that will not stress my tummy. No Mutton Stew for SwissKnits... no sir! So hopefully I can manage to knit up this darling wrap this weekend during the car ride to and fro. And hopefully I will keep healing and not have to play the Will I be able to manage Rhinebeck this year? To those of you praying and sending healthy thoughts - Thank You!!!

We have our Wonder Mimas coming to watch the kids... And later today I will be hitting the craft section of our local Wally-World for fresh Play-doh... ooooohhhhh that will please Miss M to the stars and back. I will employ my Miss J to take some pictures for the blog for when I post again. Mimas is so artistic and fun when playing with Play-doh... the creations that are made out of those little blobs of 'doh' are amazing.

Until next time....

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