Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Butter, Butter I tell you...

Ok, so I read Shelly's blog. She has been spinning on her drop spindle... her spinning is just beautiful. She just began spinning in the last month or so...Feeling a bit of competitive spirit, and a feeling of "Hey, if she can find time to do this... then you shouldn't put this off either", I got out my BFL roving, and my drop spindle I got in Oct. at Rhinebeck, and began spinning. Hmmmm it wasn't so easy... possibly because the roving is so, ummmm not sure of the correct spinning term... but stiff and sticky...
So I used my Loopy Ewe credit that I recently earned and got some Lorna's Laces roving. OMGoodness.... what a difference in texture. Yes, the Lorna's Laces is 100% Superwash Merino Wool... let me tell you... Me Likey!!! OMGoodnessssssss. I am in love.... just in case you are curious about the colorway... it's number 56 Mt. Creek. Which happens to be a ski resort in our area. LOL

Perhaps I can go thinner??
Looks like I'm spinning bulky weight.... right now, I am just enjoying the colors, the feel and the silence of spinning... soooo peaceful.
The colors are very, very close to Miss M's first pair of socks that I knit for her last summer. I think once this is all plied and prepared, I will knit myself a neck warmer... I can see it now...

I think I may be getting sucked into the Spinning Vortex.... I'm thinking it will be a good thing....

1 comment:

Shelly Kang said...

Buwhahahahahaha! Oh yeah, baby! Good luck with that. I'll be watching.