Monday, November 5, 2007

Watch your step!

Obviously I didn't. I *thought* that I had taken the last step. Then I realized I *hadn't* taken the last step, and I must have tried to remedy that. Not Good - I heard a weird cellophane crunch type sound and before I knew it,I was on my butt saying, "Oh no!, Oh NO, no, no, no, no!"

Still waiting for the x-ray results - regardless, I am on crutches, and compression socks and an air cast. Now What Does This Mean?

Why, guilt free knitting and computer time. Hey, hand me lemons... and I gotta make some lemonade.


Janice said...

Oh you poor thing! Ouch! Well, wish I could come sit and knit with you. Hope things aren't too bad!! A little online retail therapy might help as well.....

Donna Lee said...

I did the same thing, only there were lots of "shit,shit,shit" involved. It turned out to be dislocated which is just another way to say, unuseable. Good luck and enjoy the knitting time!

Jody said...

Oh No! I hope it's not too bad!