Sunday, November 11, 2007

100th Post!

No, not me, not yet.
Melissa at Knit One, Purl One
Had a contest a while back for her 100th post. On a whim I entered, *never* thinking that I would win. Well, what do you know - I WON!!!! How wonderful!!
Look at what yummy yarny goodness came to my mail box.

Lovely colors, don't you agree? I'm thrilled!!!! Who doesn't like winning YARN!! and I must not forget the to mention the cutest stitch marker and Melissa's own pattern for a Fleur de Lise Scarf!! Puuuuuurty

Thanks Melissa!!!


Melissa said...

I am so glad you like the yarn! The pattern is quite easy and fun! Enjoy! :)

Janice said...

Lucky you!! What beautiful yarn! Congratulations!