Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Had a Falling Down...

At the book store:

And At Etsy:


Pam the Yarn Goddess said...

Honey, that's my warm-up when I ramp up to shop online. ;)

What were you talking about when you commented on my blog about a light tent? You have to remember that my mind is about gone from working on the shop, so be gentle.

I also took your advice and am slowing down a little.

Oh... you might be happy to know that Cary (she of the felted sheep stitch marker fame) is selling at my shop). :)

Donna Lee said...

The book store is a tough place to remain standing. I have a severe weakness for books. And it's just too easy to shop online. Poof. Press a few keys and there you have it, new yarn.

Janice said...

I hardly call that 'falling down'. It's retail therapy, my friend, and is quite beneficial to one's well being....