Saturday, November 3, 2007

My sewing machine is back from the repair man!

And I have been dying to make some of my own little bags for my knitting. As much as I like supporting the Little Guy on Etsy, I have been doing waaaaaay to much ordering and all the P@yPal purchases are causing DH to get "The Look"... so I decided I needed to stop my on-line purchases. I brought my machine to the quilt shop to have it checked out. It's been giving my Trouble, with a capitol T! And this is the time of year that I need to have it working for all the little things I need to sew up for the kids for school, such as DD9 needed to have a Saint Bernadette outfit for All Saints' Day.

This is fabric that I bought this past spring... I fell in love with the combination of the black and red. I have made a few bags with this combination of material - I do not tire of it. Now I have my square bottom bag.

This is material that called to me from the quilt shop. It's the Starlight Mints, I may call it my Loopy Ewe Bag, as it reminds me of the candy that Sheri has been including with my recent Loopy Ewe orders. I may even use it year round, even though it is Christmas material... Love the colors on this too.

Thank you to my Purl Gurl A for figuring out a template for me!! My Purl Gurls are great!!


Orinda5 said...

I love your fabric choices!
So cute!

That reminds me that my machine would like to have a tune up too.

Donna Lee said...

I love my small bag for traveling back and forth to work or other places. I think I need to fire up the machine and make some other little bags for holiday gifts for some knitters I know.

Maeve said...

Super cute bags!

Janice said...

What great bags!!! Let me know when you start your own Etsy shop!! I need one of those Loopy Ewe bags....