Friday, November 2, 2007

Happily Hopping to the Frog Pond!

Chunky Cables Sweater... How I disliked thee.... but how I love the yarn you are knit with...
I have grand plans for re-using this yarn! I'm thinking a felted tote, from Fiber Trends, and maybe the French Market Bag. It will be my first attempt at purposely felting an item. LOL, when I was pregnant with DD4yrs I felted a LOT of DH's sweaters... eeeek!!

I spent this morning *Happily* re-skiening all the beautiful red yarn that was used for this sweater. I just need to rinse them and let them dry to de-kink all the yarn.


Orinda5 said...

I agree... that red yarn is bea-u-tiful.
Too bad about the frogging, but I'm glad you have a new and exciting idea brewing. :)

Janice said...

That yarn will make a beautiful felted tote. Beware, felting is very addictive.... (And I know your bag addiction already.. the two together might just be too much!! ;-)!)